Saturday 4th October
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Christy Morkan
2. Deceased members of Dinnen and Keena families.
Sunday 5th October
10.00 am 1. Mattie Walsh and 2. Aidan and Gerry Rafferty
11.30 am 1. Mick Horan 2. Joseph, Una and Leo Smyth
3. Bartley Fahy
Monday 6th October
10am Murt Hynes
Tuesday 7th October
10am Sick and Special Intention
Wednesday 8th October
10am Intention free
Thursday 9th October
10am Martin Molloy
Friday 10th October
10am Margaret and John Ward and their niece Margaret
Saturday 11th October
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Margaret Coen 2. Martin Curfley and 3 . Breege and John Conneely
and Bernard Concar
Sunday 12th October
10am 1. Thomas and Margaret Conneely and deceased members of Conneely and Keady families.
2. Elizabaeth Griffin and deceased members of Griffin and Cosgrove families.
11.30 am 1. Paddy and Annie Lee, Marty, Breege and Anna Leigh
2. Kathleen Sweeney
3. Teresa Cubbard