Saturday 26th July
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Jack Spelman and deceased members of Donnellan family.
2. David and Deirdre Pepper
Sunday 27th July
10.00 am Marion Lennon
11.30 am 1. Bill Keane
2. Yvonne Crowley
3. Celine Brennan
Monday 28th July
10 am Intention free
Tuesday 29th July
10am For all the Sick
Wednesday 30th July
10am Intention free
Thursday 31st July
10am Intention free
Friday 1st August
10am Intention free
Saturday 2nd August
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Victor Crawley (Months Mind Mass)
Sunday 3rd August
10.00 am 1. Peter Flaherty (1st Anniversary)
2. Brod and Mary Trill
11.30 am 1. William Ward (Months Mind Mass)
2. Myles Joyce (1st Anniversary)
3. Malcolm O'Shaughnessy
4. Paddy Feeney and deceased members of Gill and Feeney families.