Saturday 11th January
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm Sinead Darcy
Sunday 12th January The Baptism of the Lord
10am Deceased members of Doherty and McKee families
11.30 am 1. Michael Comber and 2. Betty Troddyn and
3. Kathleen Chuard-Rigney
(Months Mind Mass - late of Ashe Road who died in England.
Monday 13th January
10am Harry Lydon
Tuesday 14th January
10am For all the Sick
Wednesday 15th January
10am Intention free
Thursday 16th January
10am Intention free
Friday 17th January
10am John Manus and Eileen Murphy and deceased members of Murphy family.
Saturday 18th January
Vigil Mass 5.30 pm 1. Chris and Joe Fitzpatrick
2. Pauline Caulfield and Michael James McGuire
Sunday 19th January
10am 1. Gerald Naughton
2. Mary Egan and Anthony Fahy
11.30 am 1. Paddy Grehan
2. Andrew Rodgers
3. Eileen Hynes.