15 March 2013

Mass Intentions for the week ahead 17th March 2013

Saturday 16th March
Vigil Mass  6.30 pm  Michael John and Margaret Walsh and Edward Ellen Reynolds
Sunday 17th March 5th Sunday of Lent   St Patrick's Day
9.30 am    Bridget Fitzgerald and deceased members of Fitzgerald and Hosty families.
11am        Intention free
12.15 pm  1.  Michael Caulfield and 2.  Maureen Forde
Monday 18th March
10am   1.  Andrew and Mary Keady
           2.  John Delargy and deceased members of Delargy family
Tuesday 19th March
10am  For all the sick
Wednesday 20th March
10am   Sean Kilraine
Thursday 21st March
10am   Tom Sherlock
Friday 22nd March
10am   Kevin and Mary Doyle
Saturday 23rd March
Vigil Mass    6.30 pm  1.  Joe Whelan and 2.  Bridget McInerney
Sunday 24th March  PSALM   SUNDAY
9.30 am       Intention free
11am           Breege Fahy
3.30 pm      Indian Community Mission   (Adoration Chapel)
12.15 pm    1. Irish Kidney Association for the donors and their families.#
                  2.  Kevin Hunt
6.30 pm     Mary Malee