Saturday 16th February
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm John Robinson
Sunday 17th February 1st Sunday of Lent
9.30 am Margaret Cooke
11am 1 . Rita Boland and 2. Michael Tierney (John) and deceased members
of Tierney family.
12.15 pm 1. Bridget O'Reilly and 2. Colie Naughton (1st Anv)
6.30 pm Margaret Whelan
Monday 18th February
10am Rose Sheehan and deceased members of Sheehan family
Tuesday 19th February
10am For all the Sick
Wednesday 20th February
10am Deceased members of Fahey and Gilmore families.
Thursday 21st February
10am Intention free
Friday 22nd February
10am Tom Sherlock
Saturday 23rd February
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm Mattie Duggan
Sunday 24th February 2nd Sunday of Lent
9.30 am
11am Kevin Cleary
12.15 pm Vincent and Alacoque, Ursula and James Scally
6.30pm Owen Sheppard