Saturday 19th January
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm 1. Sinead Darcy and 2. John Daly and 3. Mary Forde
Sunday 20th January
9.30 am 1. Matttie and Mary Connolly and 2. Gerald D. Naughton
11am 2. Paddy Grehan and 2. Martin McDonagh
12.15 pm 1. Agnes, Pearse, John and Barry Wade
2. Pauline Caulfield
6.30 pm Intention free
Monday 21st January
10am John Ward and living and deceased members of Ward and Mongan families.
Tuesday 22nd January
10am For all the Sick and 2. Deceased members of Reidy family
Wednesday 23rd January
10am Bartley and Kathleen Molloy
Thursday 24th January
10am Tom Sherlock
Friday 25th January
10am Ellen Sweeney and living and deceased members of Sweeney and Mongan families.
Saturday 26th January
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm James Butler and 2 Rita and John Lyons
Sunday 27th January
9.30 am Intention free
11am 1. Mary Egan and Anthony Fahy
2. Geraldine Browne O'Neill
12.15 pm 1. Richard Ryan and his son Richard Ryan Jnr
2. Bridie Staunton
6.30 pm 1. Bridie Whelan
2. Tommy Keane and (Months Mind Mass)