Saturday 17th November
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm 1. Paddy Francis and 2. Nancy Murphy
Sunday 18th November
9.30 am Patrick and Ellen Higgins and deceased members of the Higgins
and Lee families.
11am 1. Patricia Murphy and 2. Willie Creane
12.15 pm 1. Mary Ryan and 2. Sean Tedders
3.30 pm Indian Community Mass
6.30 pm Teresa Vurlon and deceased members of the Conway and Murphy families.
Monday 19th November
10am Deceased members of Walsh and Dunne families.
Tuesday 20th November
10am Sick and Charlie Ward
Wednesday 21st November
10am Tom Sherlock
Thursday 22nd November
10am Intention free
Friday 23rd November
10am 1. Sally O'Toole and 2. Mary Boyle
Saturday 24th November
Vigil Mass 6.30 pm 1. Eileen Spelman and 2. Willie Noone
Pray for Tony Moran at all Masses this weekend
Sunday 25th November
9.30 am 1. Sarah Walsh and 2. Mary Flood
11am 1. Pat & Agnes Burke and deceased members of family.
2. Shane Rabbitt
12.15 pm 1. Deceased members of the Duffy family and Micko Flaherty.
2. May and Dan Carr and their son Danny.
6.30 pm 1. Mary Hughes and Bernie and Kathleen Cooke
2. Billy and Grace Joyce