Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
- The annual Peter's Pence Collection takes places at all Masses this Sunday. This collection funds the charitable activities of the Pope. The Pope is attentive to the material needs of poor dioceses, religious institutes and of those in grave difficulties such as the poor, children, the elderly, those marginalised and the victims of war or natural disasters; concrete aid to Bishops or dioceses in need, Catholic education, assistance to refugees and to immigrants
- Normal weekday Mass schedule: Monday to Friday at 10am. Tuesday Mass is offered for the sick of the parish and those whose names have been put in the parish book of the sick.
- This coming Friday, June 29th 2012 is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul.
- We pray for Peggy McDonald, Killala, who has died, sister of Nora O'Flaherty, Claremont.