1. The 16th Annual Table Quiz in aid of Fr. Seán Murphy's Salesian Missions and Poverty Relief in Africa takes place tonight, Tuesday, May 4th, at 8:30 in The Westwood Hotel. Tables of 4 are €40, and there are lots of team and table prizes, and a monster raffle. Your help is needed more than ever. Donations, Table Sponsors, Raffle Prizes will be very welcome. Please support generously.
Organiser: Tom Murphy, Grafton House, 27 Upper Newcastle.
T: 091- 522125.
2. For the month of May, the Month of Our Lady, the Rosary will be recited every evening at the Grotto at Elm Park Road, Greenfields, Newcastle, at 7:00. All are welcome.
3. Congratulations to the boys and girls of Scoil Bhríde who received their First Holy Communion in our church on Saturday. May God bless their parents, families, teachers, helpers and all who took care of the Do this in Memory of Me Programme.
4. Please pray for the repose of the souls of the following who have died recently:
Una Newell, Lower Salthill.
Mary Kelly, New Road.
Barbara McGrath, Inishannagh Park.
Delia Donohoe, Inishannagh Park, for whom a Months Mind Mass will be offered in our church next Saturday, May 8th, at 11.
Gerard Mongan, Rockfield Park, for whom a Months Mind Mass will be offered in our church next Saturday, May 8th, at 12 Noon.
Oliver Forde, Tuam, the brother of John Forde, Laurel Park.
'If we die with Christ, we shall live with him, and if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with him'.
(2 Timothy 2:11b-12a)