Saturday 28th October
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm
1. Rita Regan (1st Anv) 2. Finian Fahy
3. Charlie Ward and Nora Ward and deceased members of Ward/Barrett families.
4. Mary and Joseph Quirke and deceased members of Quirke family.
Sunday 29th October
10.00 am 1. Eileen Crowley an decd. members of Crowley family.
2. Tom Jackson
11.30 am Nancy Hernon (1st Anv)
Monday 30th October
10am 1. Tadhg, May and Delia Concannon
2. Martin and Patrick Mongan and deceased members of Mongan/Ward families.
3. Special Intention (birthday)
Tuesday 31st October
10am 1. Sick 2. John Loughlin 3. Special Intention.
Wednesday, 1st November All Saints Day
10am 1. Kate Ward 2. Eamonn Kenny and John and Tommy McDonagh
Friday 3rd November
Saturday 4th November
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. NOVENA
2. Rosaleen Healy (Months Mind Mass) 3. Maura Kelly (1st Anv)
3. Jack Ward and deceased members of Ward family.
Sunday 5th November
10.00 am NOVENA
11.30 am 1. Pamela Lyttle (Months Mind Mass) and
James and Adrian Keenan and deceased members of Keenan Family
2. Therese O'Brien 3. Sr. Carmel Molloy.