Saturday 27th August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Jimmy Fahy (Months Mind Mass)
2. John McCallion
Sunday 28th August
10.00 am 1. Eileen Crowley and deceased members of Crowley family
2. Special Intention
11.30 am 1. Bro. Angelus Tom Moore (Months Mind Mass)
2. William Giles (1st Anv)
Monday 29th August
10am 1. Special Intention 2. Thanksgiving Mass intention
Tuesday 30th August
10am 1. Sick 2. Special Intention
Wednesday 31st August
10am 1. Kathleen Maughan 2. Special Intention
Friday 2nd September
10am 1. Justin Shaughnessy (birthday remembrance) 2. Special Intention
3. Sis Berry and deceased members of Berry family.
Baptism: Ella Louise Ward
Saturday 3rd September
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Breege Birmingham (1st Anv)
2. Paddy Ward (1st Anv) 3. Mary Dooley 4. Joan Graham
5. Hubert Walsh.
Sunday 4th September
10.00 am Mary and Thomas O'Connor
11.30 am Charlie Ward