Saturday 26th March
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Joe Whelan 2. Matt McCarthy
Sunday 27th March (Trocaire Collection for those not using boxes)
10.00am 1. Eileen Crowley and deceased members of Crowley family
2. Special Intention
11.30 am Liam Keane
Baptisms(3) Bernice, Enoch and Bethany Adebayo.
Monday 28th March
10am 1. Jimmy Horan 2. Holy Souls
Tuesday 29th March
10am 1. Sick
2. Jack, Anna and John Nestor and Fr. Billy Pilkington
Wednesday 30th March
Friday 1st April
10am Mary O Connell, Michael O'Donohue and Sheila Rowlands.
Saturday 2nd April
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Mary and Paddy Daly. 2. Desmond Donovan
Sunday 3rd April Ukraine Special Collection
10.00 am 1. Winifred and Philip O'Gorman
2. Martin Lydon
11.30 am 1. Tony Naughton (Months Mind Mass)
2. Martin Lydon
Baptisms (3) Charlotte Ward, Owen Patrick McCarthy and Rosemarie McCarthy.