Saturday 29th August
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm Sean Keane (Months Mind Mass)
Sunday 30th August
10.00 am
11.30 am 1. Sean and Molly Cleary
2. Mary Crehan
Monday 31st August
10am Kathleen Maughan (1st Anv)
Tuesday 1st September
10am 1. Sick
2. Mary and Peter Greaney and deceased members of Moloney family.
3. Holy Souls
Wednesday 2nd September
10am 1. Justin Shaughnessy (birthday remembrance) 2. Special Intention
3. Sis Berry and deceased members of the family.
Thursday 3rd September
10am 1. Eileen and Bartholomew Maher and deceased members of Maher and Hession families.
Friday 4th September
10am Margaret Hynes recently deceased. 2. Charlie Ward.
Saturday 5th September
Vigil Mass: 5.30 pm 1. Sally Kelly (1st Anv) and Noel Hernon (1st Anv)
2. Stephen Burke 3. Kitty Carr (3rd Anv)
Sunday 6th September
10.00 am 1. John Sheehan and deceased members of Sheehan family.
2. Nick Barrett (1st Anv) and Marie Collins (1st Anv)
3. Barbara and Stephen McDonagh and deceased members of McDonagh family.
4. Anne, Ron and Toby Jones.
11.30 am 1. Statia Grehan 3. Margaret Callaghan.